Art Basel again brings together 284 leading galleries, more than 4,000 artists from five continents and collectors in a single place and time. These days the city bursts into creative life and attracts around 100,000 guests, making the city an international hotspot for art enthusiasts. There is no other event that gives over so much space to museum-ready installations and large-scale works as Art Basel’s Unlimited sector. This also makes Art Unlimited the real spectacle of the fair, while in the main sector the top-class artworks are primarily aimed at the trained eye; to professional art dealers and first league collectors. Either way, only at Art Basel can you find so much high-caliber art in such a dense space. Whether you are a professional art dealer, a major collector or just a casual art enthusiasts, Basel is worth a visit every summer.
Elusive was back on the ground in Basel and André Volk captured the mood of the fair’s VIPs Days with his keen eye.
Photography by André Volk