In the spring and summer of 2018, the Fondation Beyeler will be presenting two extraordinary protagonists of modern art. Alberto Giacometti (1901–1966) and Francis Bacon (1909–1992) were friends and rivals whose creative visions shaped art from the latter half of the twentieth century to the present day. This is the first time that a museum exhibition is being devoted to shedding light on these two artists and their relationship to each other. Although their respective artistic oeuvres differ greatly at first glance and appear autonomous, the exhibition reveals commonalities and amazing parallels between them.

WHERE Fondation Beyeler / Baselstrasse 101 / Riehen / Switzerland
WHEN April 29, 2018 – September 2, 2018

*featured image: Alberto Giacometti and Francis Bacon, 1965. Gelatin silver print. Photo: © Graham Keen. Courtesy of Fondation Beyeler

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